
Sick Bay is located via the entrance to Student Reception in C Block. The School Nurse is available in Sick Bay from 8.30am-3.00pm each school day.

We have two Registered Nurses - Mrs Sally Antcliff (Monday, Tuesday, Friday) and Mrs Kym Bridges (Wednesday). You can contact the School Nurses via email - schoolnurse@covenant.nsw.edu.au - or by calling 8459 4340.

  • Students must seek permission from a staff member before presenting to Sick Bay.
  • If the Nurse decides the student needs to go home, parents will be contacted by the school.
  • Students should not SMS or contact parents directly to pick them up (as per our mobile phone policy).
  • The student will need to be signed out of school by the Nurse.
Allergies and Anaphylaxis
Medication at school
Infectious periods
Head Lice
Medical updates

Allergies and Anaphylaxis

Students will allergies and anaphylaxis are encouraged to speak directly with the School Nurse regarding medical history and a treatment plan at the start of every year.

Anaphylactic students are required to supply an in-date Epipen to Sick bay along with annual medical forms. Speak with the nurses about this requirement.

Medication at school

If your child requires medication to be administered during school hours (including asthma medication), please supply the medication in its original container to Sick Bay with the .

Infectious periods

The school asks parents not to send their child to school when they are infectious. In particular, NSW Health guidelines are that children be kept home until 48 hours after their last symptoms of gastroenteritis. This greatly helps us to stop the spread of infection and protect other students and staff.

Head Lice

It is advisable to regularly check your child’s hair throughout the year especially in the warmer months and after every student break. Head Lice is required to be effectively treated before a student can return to school. If you do discover Head Lice in your child’s hair can you please let the nurses know so that we can alert others in the year group to be more vigilant. All information supplied is treated with the strictest confidence.

Medical updates

Please contact the school nurses at any time throughout the school year if there are any medical changes or updates concerning your child, e.g. a new diagnosis or a change in regular medications.


If a child shows signs/symptoms of concussion +/- swelling/redness, this will be emailed or given to the parent.


  • [to be completed annually]
  • [to be completed annually]
  • [to be completed annually]

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